Past Business Review and Remediation

You may find that your business develops historic issues around non-compliance, creating a risk exposure. You may have identified this yourself, or the regulator may be involved.

Our team has extensive experience with past business reviews and remediation and our aim is to achieve solutions that meet customer and regulatory expectations.

An expert helping hand

We provide you with support from individuals who have extensive experience of past business reviews and remediation. Our people come from industry, a legal background and have also worked at the FCA. They fully understand the regulatory expectations in this area.

An honest appraisal of risk

We can support you by reviewing past business from a regulatory and customer perspective, providing you with assurance or recommendations for further action.

When customer detriment occurs, our experts and methodology will help identify and measure the impact, assessing the severity of the detriment and determining the necessary level of remediation.

Remediation strategy

Our proven methodology aims to accurately identify the affected customer population, helping you size the issue and understand its impact on your business.

We focus on delivering a cost-efficient, fully compliant and proportionate approach to past business review and remediation. We will recommend the most appropriate approach which may include deployment of additional resource.

We will provide fully customised management information, offering insight into project performance and ensuring robust governance.

Comprehensive audit trails will document all actions taken to identify affected cohorts, including the rationale for exclusions.

The advantage of instructing Redporth is the ability to bring together multiple skills in one room, quickly.